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Seven Key Advantages of Adding Colocation to Your IT Plan

By November 1, 2023No Comments
Seven Key Advantages of Adding Colocation to Your IT Plan

We live in a world increasingly driven by data. Businesses are no exception to this trend, with an insatiable appetite for collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to gain a competitive edge. The sheer volume of data generated today is overwhelming, which begs the question: how can companies manage all of this efficiently? The answer lies in colocation—a modern and sophisticated approach that offers unparalleled benefits for your IT infrastructure.

Raising the Bar on Compliance and Security

Physical Safety Measures

Let’s start by discussing the role that physical security plays in colocation facilities. Imagine a fortress that is built to safeguard your crucial data. Facilities are outfitted with an array of security features, from strong physical barriers and vehicle traps to live technicians who monitor the environment. Secure access check-in processes and multi-factor authentication ensure that only authorized personnel gain access to your resources.

Meeting Compliance Standards

Colocation services align perfectly with regulatory standards like GDPR, HIPAA and PCI DSS. So, when it comes to compliance, you can rest easy knowing your data is managed within the boundaries of the law.

When Expertise Matters

Companies that specialize in colocation services are your go-to experts in the field. Their staff is rigorously trained and certified, offering you the kind of specialized attention and know-how that you’d struggle to maintain in-house. This keeps your operations streamlined and saves you the trouble of recruiting and training a dedicated IT staff.

Your Budget Will Thank You

Economies of scale work in your favor when it comes to colocation. Instead of incurring significant expenses to maintain your private servers, these services offer a shared environment that dramatically cuts down your operational costs. This leaves room in your budget for other investments that drive business growth.

Your Data, Your Control

Control is a vital component when it comes to managing a complex IT environment. Unlike other outsourcing services, colocation allows you full control over your hardware, software and networking. This offers an unmatched level of freedom and flexibility, helping you make quick adjustments as your business needs evolve.

Speed and Efficiency Through Cooling and Monitoring

Adaptive Cooling Solutions

Heat management is a significant concern in data centers. Colocation providers, however, have this down to a science. State-of-the-art cooling systems ensure that servers operate at optimal temperatures, thereby enhancing their performance and lifespan.

Air Quality, Real-Time Insights

Another underrated aspect of colocation services is real-time air quality monitoring. This provides additional peace of mind, ensuring that your hardware is functioning in an environment conducive to longevity and efficiency.

Prepared for the Worst

In the case of unexpected disasters—whether natural or man-made—being prepared can make all the difference. Colocation facilities in OKC, for instance, offer robust backup and disaster recovery solutions, ensuring that your data is secure and accessible even in the most challenging circumstances.

Seamless Network Connectivity with Colocation

Last but not least, a colocation facility ensures that your data travels through the safest and fastest routes possible. This guarantees that your operations run smoothly without the latency issues or connectivity woes that often plague businesses relying solely on in-house solutions.

Ready to Transform Your IT Strategy?

Why settle for less when you can have the best? RACK59 Data Center offers cutting-edge colocation in OKC that is tailored to fit your business needs. Take charge of your data, ramp up your performance and safeguard your digital assets—all under one roof. Make the smart choice for your business today with RACK59.

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